
March 2023

Travel Document Requirements for Foreigners Arriving in Indonesia

By |2024-08-19T06:32:02+00:00March 8th, 2023|Miscellaneous, News, Traveling|

Requirements for Entering Indonesia

Good News!  Indonesia is now open for all visitors, and you are no longer required to be COVID-19 Vaccinated.

E-Visa on Arrival

You are now able to process your Visa on Arrival before you fly to Indonesia, which means avoiding large queues.  Simply click on this link and follow the instructions and you will be issued with a QR code which you need to present at the E-Visa Desk on arrival into Jakarta or Bali airports, along with your passport. Sometimes these links are not working, so keep checking back.



Indonesian eVisa Application

Bali Tourist Levy

For those of you entering Indonesia via Bali, the Bali Government has implemented an International Tourist Levy which will be used toward the protection of local customs, traditions, arts and culture and local wisdom of the Balinese people.  You used to be able to process this tax/levy at the following link but it doesn’t always work: www.lovebali.baliprov.go.id

Customs Declaration

Indonesia have moved into the 21st Century and now require you to complete your customs declaration online.  Click on this link, and complete the details a maximum of 4 days before you flight to Indonesia to receive a QR code which will be scanned at the Customs Desk as you pass through.

Guest Registration Form

In order for us to make sure you have the best stay possible, we ask our guests to complete the attached guest registration form and email it to us.  We need to receive your form at least 2 months before your stay, especially if you have any special requests.  Please ensure you complete the sections in yellow.  Please download this form by clicking on the line below and email it to [email protected].

Guest Registration Form

TBD Terms and Conditions

Please review our standard terms and conditions, with regards to cancellations, payments and marine park fees.  If you have any questions do not hesitate to contact us.

Terms and Conditions TBD 2024-2025

June 2016

End of Season Wrap

By |2019-01-12T17:27:38+00:00June 16th, 2016|Miscellaneous|

At the end of May we wrapped up our second season in Triton Bay.  It started in late September last year with the biggest El Nino’s ever wrecking havoc on the global climate.  Triton Bay saw colder than normal water temperatures to start the season and a long stretch of many months without much rain.  We focused on nudibranchs and other critters as they seemed to come out with the colder water, however by February the water had begun to warm and the rains came.  Triton Bay did not escape the effects of the El Nino, as in the last month of the season many of the coral in the shallows were bleached.  We hope that the changing of the seasons in June and colder water coming in from the south will be timely enough to reverse the bleaching and will know in a few months.

This past season we explored Triton Bay a bit more, found a few more dive sites, and discovered a few new critters, 2 of them being the sailfin anthias and Bulbonaricus pipefish – big thanks to Ned & Anna DeLoach and the crew of the Dewi Nusantara!  If you’ve never heard of either of these fish, don’t worry neither have most divers.  We  even heard that a diver aboard one of the visiting liveaboards saw and photographed a rhinopia, which we believe has never been seen before in Triton Bay.  But there is still a lot waiting to be discovered, and we hope to be able to do a bit more exploratory diving with guests who have the time and inclination to do so.

Among the visitors we had the pleasure of hosting were some amazing photographers, with select photos of theirs added to our Guest Galleries.  A few visitors were part of the very first exploratory trip to Triton Bay in 2006 and came back to see the place they had such fond memories of.  It was amazing to hear their stories of the beginning.  We had visitors from the first season who came back to see us after less than a year.  We had families with young children and certified a whole family of new Open Water divers!  We even hosted Indonesian government officials and generals, including the military commander of West Papua!

On the marketing side, we took part in trade shows in Hong Kong and Deep Indonesia in Jakarta.  We were represented at the Boot show in Germany via an agent, and need to give out a special thanks to Connie, a guest from the first season, who helped represent us there.  We look forward to hosting all the friends we met at the these trade shows at the resort some time in the not too distant future!

It is June now and we have begun construction of two more bungalows, which should be ready to house new guests by the beginning of next season.  Updates as usual will be through FaceBook.

Below is a gallery of some of our favorite photos that were never posted onto either Facebook or the Guest Galleries:



August 2015

Total Eclipse of the Sun – March 2016

By |2019-01-12T17:27:39+00:00August 9th, 2015|Miscellaneous|

On March 9, 2016, a total eclipse of the sun will begin in Indonesia and end in the northern Pacific.  The path of the eclipse will pass through the northern parts of the country, with the point of greatest duration located in the Pacific Ocean, east of the Philippines and north of Papua New Guinea.

In Triton Bay, we will get a partial eclipse lasting almost 3 hours, and 80% of the sun’s area will be obscured! We hope you can join us for that week. It will certainly be memorable!

For the exact path of the eclipse, please see the following site prepared by NASA:


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