Triton Bay & the Bird's Head Seascape
Triton Bay is one of three regions in Indonesia’s West Papua province that comprise the Bird’s Head Seascape (the other two are Raja Ampat and Cenderawasih Bay), which is now considered by marine biologists to be the epicenter of the Coral Triangle and which contains more fish and coral species than anywhere else on the planet. Indeed, in a recent report commissioned by the government of Indonesia (Geographic Priorities for Marine Biodiversity Conservation in Indonesia, Huffard, Erdmann, Gunawan, 2012), Papua was unanimously identified by marine biologists as the region that deserved the highest priority for marine conservation due to “its unparalleled marine biodiversity and endemism, habitat richness, and relatively intact nature of its ecosystems”. Kaimana and Triton Bay were cited for having nesting grounds for green turtles, a population of coastal Bryde’s Whales, possible spawning grounds for grouper, and, last but not least, whalesharks. The dive sites around Triton Bay were first surveyed in 2006 by a team from Conservation International and State University of Papua, and much of the recreational diving (on liveaboards) that has followed has focused on the sites identified in the survey. The results of that survey also prompted the government of Kaimana in 2008 to declare a 6000 sq km Marine Protected Area around the waters of Kaimana and Triton Bay. We are extremely grateful of the groundwork that Conservation International has laid down and the assistance they have provided on this project. Triton Bay Divers is honored to be a part of this region and will endeavor to do our share in efforts to protect these reefs and promote sustainable economic development for the community.
Marine Park Fees
Please note that as of October 2017, Triton Bay Divers is no longer issuing guests with Marine Park tags as we await changes to the marine park tag system to ensure all the local villages receive funds expected. We collect Rp 1,000,000 from each guest, and we distribute these funds to the local villages and land owners in the area in which we dive. For transparency purposes, a record of the amounts collected from each guest along with the date of stay will be kept and can be found here for June 2018, here for June 2019, and here for April 2020. We do NOT keep records of Marine Park Fees paid by non-guests of Triton Bay Divers (ie., funds collected by us on behalf of the local communities from visiting liveaboards).