
About Lisa English

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So far Lisa English has created 46 blog entries.

January 2018

Visiting Scientists

By |2024-02-14T08:01:44+00:00January 14th, 2018|Conservation|

In April 2018, Triton Bay Divers will be hosting Dr. Heike Vester of Ocean Sounds and Dr. Ricardo Tapilatu of the University of Papua.  They will be looking at the suitability of conducting scientific research from the resort during the northern (boreal) summer months when we are closed for diving.  During their stay, they will each a conduct a talk on their area of expertise.

“Whales in a Changing World – Raja Ampat”
Dr. Heike Vester (Ocean Sounds) will talk about her 3 years research in Raja Ampat and present over 17 species of marine mammals. Whales and dolphins are not well studied in this area and her presentation is one of the first to document the pictures, videos and sounds of most of these elusive and beautiful species.  Even though the waters of Raja Ampat are well protected, marine mammals face threats and challenges that are man made, from uncontrolled boat traffic, unregulated whale watching, to plastic pollution and signs of climate change. We aim to study marine mammals in order to help maintain and develop better marine protection to ensure respectful and humane interactions between people and marine mammals.

Saving Pacific-travelling sea turtle species (Leatherback and Green) at Bird’s Head Seascape – Papua Barat – Indonesia’.  Dr. Ricardo Tapilatu has been to Kaimana many times for his work with Conservation International.  Leatherback turtles are critically endangered and West Papua is one of one of their few remaining nesting grounds, while green turtles nest on a small island in the western part of Kaimana Regency.  Dr. Tapilatu’s present research projects are focused on developing conservation strategies for optimizing hatchling production from nesting beaches of the Bird’s Head Seascape in Indonesia and beyond, while mitigating the effects of global climate change.  His blog can be found by clicking on this link.

If you would like to meet Drs. Vester and Tapilatu and learn more about their research, there are currently two rooms available during the week of April 7~14 when they will be staying for a few days.  Please contact us soon at [email protected] as we do not expect these rooms will be available for very long.

November 2017

Guest Review of Triton Bay

By |2018-03-04T01:29:26+00:00November 15th, 2017|Uncategorized|

Check out Paolo Isgro’s review on Wetpixels forum following his stay with us last year.  We are looking forward to seeing more of his amazing photographs after his second stay with us this December.  Below are a few of the images showcased in his trip report.  Thanks Paolo for sharing.


June 2017

Favorite Images

By |2017-06-21T05:29:08+00:00June 21st, 2017|Guests, UW Photos|

Here are some of our favorite images from this past season, in no particular order.  There are many more pictures that could have been included in this gallery as beauty is subjective and another person could have come up with 12 totally different pictures, but in the end these are the images which we believe show the very best of Triton Bay.  We would like to express our tremendous appreciation to the guests who donated these stunning pictures!

Amanda Blanksby
Erik Leist
Kathryn Arant
Karsten Heinrich
Linda Pitkin
Marie Tartar
Paolo Isgro
Shannon Conway
Steve Eilenberg
Valerie Reid


April 2017

Tagging Whale Sharks

By |2019-01-12T17:26:08+00:00April 12th, 2017|Conservation, Diving, Guests, UW Photos|

In early February, our guests had the opportunity to observe a team from Conservation International (CI) mount a satellite tag on a whale shark.  The satellite tags record location, depth, and water temperature, and transmits that data every time the dorsal fin of the shark breaks the surface.  This information will allow them to monitor the whale sharks movements over the next two years.  According to CI, their program is the only one of its kind in the world.  They currently have tagged less than 20 whale sharks in Cenderawasih Bay and only 4 in Triton Bay as of Feb 2017.

Very little is known about whale sharks.  CI’s monitoring and ID program here and in Cenderawasih Bay indicate that well over 90% of the 100+ individuals who have been identified so far are young males.  They don’t know where the females or the adults are, and it is becoming apparent that Cenderawasih & Triton Bay must be some kind of nursery for young whale sharks.  Of the sharks that we have seen ourselves here, most are between 3~9m.  Our guests help contribute to the database by providing photos of the area around the shark’s left dorsal fin for identification.

Triton Bay Divers would like to thank Dr. Mark Erdmann, Abraham Sinapar, and the team from CI for the opportunity to observe them in their work.  To learn more about CI’s whale shark monitoring program, please check out this link:

October 2016

From Above

By |2019-01-12T17:27:37+00:00October 16th, 2016|Resort|

If you come to Triton Bay, it won’t take long before you realize the area has some spectacular topography.  Visitors have remarked that some places remind them a little of Palau, and a little of Wayag in Raja Ampat.  Two of our first guests this season, Markus Roth and Karsten Heinrich, brought along drones and provided us with some stunning aerial photographs. What a way to kick off the season!

From top left: islands in Triton Bay that are probably best experienced from a kayak; the resort built just off the beach and surrounded by the tropical rainforest of Aiduma; Little Komodo with its rich and diverse reef hidden below; a Bryde’s Whale – they have been a common sighting for us in the summer of 2016; Our little bay with the sunset in the distance and the resort barely visable.  Thanks for the photos Markus & Karsten!


August 2016

Triton Bay Divers in Nereus

By |2024-02-14T08:01:25+00:00August 15th, 2016|Diving, Guests, Resort, UW Photos|

Red School - HaiderTriton Bay Divers has recently been featured twice in the Swiss Diving magazine Nereus!  For those who read German, please check out the article by Andrea Rothlisberger in the June issue, and by Thomas Haider in the August issue (part 1).  Additional photos from Thomas can be found on their website at this link.  Photo above by Thomas Haider.

Nereus_3-2016_Manta_10-11 (3)


Triton Bay’s Bryde’s Whales

By |2024-02-14T08:00:51+00:00August 2nd, 2016|Conservation|

Bryde's Whale for blogEven before my first visit to Triton Bay, I had known there was a resident population of Bryde’s whales here.  But throughout the first few months we never saw them, and I admit I had doubts as to their existence.    When I finally saw a water spout (but not the whale itself) I knew the reports were true.  Eventually we did see the whales, but it was well into our first season.  Sightings are still rare and far between.

Bryde’s Whales (pronounced as “broo-dess”) are baleen whales and are similar in appearance to minke, fin, and sei whales.  There are two, maybe three different types of Bryde’s whales; the ones around Kaimana are coastal and are here year round.  This particular species prefers warm water – it is the only baleen whale that spends all its time in tropical or sub-tropical water.  They feed on anchovies (which are also favored by the whale sharks here!) and krill and grow to a maximum size of around 16m.  For more information on this species, please check out this link.

These whales are not easy to approach as they just submerge if the boat gets too close.  One August day coming back from Kaimana we saw them breaching from afar.  We approached slowly, killed the engines, and waited.  The hope was that they would come check us out, and one did, allowing me to get some video.  This particular whale was about 10m long judging from the distance between his dorsal fin and his blow hole.  There were at least two of them, and most likely more as we saw the whales surface from at least 3 different directions around us.  It was such a thrill to see this animal up close and words just can’t come close to describing the feeling.


July 2016

Plants and Flowers

By |2019-01-12T17:27:37+00:00July 23rd, 2016|Resort|

One thing we knew right from the beginning when we first started building was that the land at the back of the resort was very fertile.  Here was untouched rain forest and the land took months to clear.  At first we thought we had cut down too many trees, but within a few months all the tree stumps we thought were dead had regrown two or three meters.  Now, after two years those tree stumps tower five or six meters.  When we were building, someone ate papaya, and papaya must be the world’s fastest growing tree.  From nothing, a papaya tree can reach three or four meters in a year if it gets enough water, and the resort must have about thirty trees by now!

But not all plants grow as fast and as easily as papaya.  Some plants like lots of water, some don’t.  Last summer it rained once in three months; this summer maybe there was only one day that it didn’t rain!  So even though the papaya trees have done very well, it has been almost impossible to keep plants such as bouganvilias which don’t like too much water.  Additionally, the land at the front where the bungalows are is quite sandy, so it has been a challenge to grow flowers there.

But for the most part we are quite happy with the variety of plants, flowers, fruits, and vegetables that we have growing here.   In addition to the many coconut trees, we have mango and wax apple trees which are seasonal.  There are a few banana trees that are beginning to bear fruit, and we have grown tomatoes, long beans, melons, and chile peppers.  The boys have found wild orchids around the island, and we have planted a few that are just beginning to blossom now.

Below is a gallery of some of the plants that we have here.  There are a few that I don’t know the names of, so if anyone can help it would be greatly appreciated!


June 2016

End of Season Wrap

By |2019-01-12T17:27:38+00:00June 16th, 2016|Miscellaneous|

At the end of May we wrapped up our second season in Triton Bay.  It started in late September last year with the biggest El Nino’s ever wrecking havoc on the global climate.  Triton Bay saw colder than normal water temperatures to start the season and a long stretch of many months without much rain.  We focused on nudibranchs and other critters as they seemed to come out with the colder water, however by February the water had begun to warm and the rains came.  Triton Bay did not escape the effects of the El Nino, as in the last month of the season many of the coral in the shallows were bleached.  We hope that the changing of the seasons in June and colder water coming in from the south will be timely enough to reverse the bleaching and will know in a few months.

This past season we explored Triton Bay a bit more, found a few more dive sites, and discovered a few new critters, 2 of them being the sailfin anthias and Bulbonaricus pipefish – big thanks to Ned & Anna DeLoach and the crew of the Dewi Nusantara!  If you’ve never heard of either of these fish, don’t worry neither have most divers.  We  even heard that a diver aboard one of the visiting liveaboards saw and photographed a rhinopia, which we believe has never been seen before in Triton Bay.  But there is still a lot waiting to be discovered, and we hope to be able to do a bit more exploratory diving with guests who have the time and inclination to do so.

Among the visitors we had the pleasure of hosting were some amazing photographers, with select photos of theirs added to our Guest Galleries.  A few visitors were part of the very first exploratory trip to Triton Bay in 2006 and came back to see the place they had such fond memories of.  It was amazing to hear their stories of the beginning.  We had visitors from the first season who came back to see us after less than a year.  We had families with young children and certified a whole family of new Open Water divers!  We even hosted Indonesian government officials and generals, including the military commander of West Papua!

On the marketing side, we took part in trade shows in Hong Kong and Deep Indonesia in Jakarta.  We were represented at the Boot show in Germany via an agent, and need to give out a special thanks to Connie, a guest from the first season, who helped represent us there.  We look forward to hosting all the friends we met at the these trade shows at the resort some time in the not too distant future!

It is June now and we have begun construction of two more bungalows, which should be ready to house new guests by the beginning of next season.  Updates as usual will be through FaceBook.

Below is a gallery of some of our favorite photos that were never posted onto either Facebook or the Guest Galleries:



February 2016

Blessing Ceremony

By |2019-01-12T17:27:38+00:00February 11th, 2016|Resort|

We had some down time at the resort at the end of January and so our Papuan partners performed a traditional blessing ceremony for the land.  It was a short, simple ceremony that involved some prayers in Arabic (they are Muslim), some offerings (including four roosters to be sacrificed), and a big lunch for everyone involved.  It may have been a little late, but we’re happy to have had it done and everything is proper to everyone’s satisfaction.


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