After a shout out to some of our previous guests and others who visited Triton Bay, we have managed to help Conservation International identify 8 new Whalesharks that are visiting the region. Six are from Triton Bay itself and two from Cenderawasih Bay. If you have any Whaleshark images that shows the ID Spot (please see our earlier blog) please feel free to share them with us and Conservation International. You never know you may have one that has not yet been identified and you can name it!!!
We would like introduce you to our newly named Whalesharks:
Firstly, those identified by our Guests: Rob & Susie Andrews, Marie Tartar and Faye Simanjutak.
Steven Genkins (Seadoc) managed to identify 5 new whalesharks, and named one after each of his immediate family member and their pet Dog Tyrion!